What is Restorative Yoga?

Restorative Yoga, in our opinion is one of the most underrated forms of yoga. In our crazy busy world, this practice is one of the truest forms of wellness that we know. The idea behind a restorative practice is to allow the body to prepare for deep rest by utilizing shapes that are supported with props such as bolster, blankets or blocks.


In this practice, you’ll try to transition away from the “fight or flight” mode that most of us spend our lives in. In the heightened state of go-go-go, we've been conditioning our bodies to stay in our sympathetic nervous system. When you slip into a restorative yoga practice, the goal is to transition away from the sympathetic into the parasympathetic nervous system or our “rest and digest” mode.

Lorraine found this sweet practice at a yoga retreat with Lauren Eckstrom and Travis Eliot. It showed up right when she needed it. The support of the props enabled her to deeply tune in and give herself permission to rest.

As she began to explore the practice in more depth, she couldn’t help but share with her students. She quickly started teaching in person workshops and classes. In addition, Lorraine has completed the Internal Medicine and Restorative Yoga module with Yoga Medicine as she pursues her RYT-500.

You’ll find these restful and rejuvenating practices in our Online Library. The practices will range from 15 minute to 60 minute indulgences. We encourage you to take your time, find rest, and listen to what your body needs. After all, whole hearted wellness is what we are after on this journey.

As always, consult a healthcare provider before starting a new practice.