Myofascial Release

Lorraine learned about Myofascial Release (MFR) practices through her trainings with Tiffany Cruikshank and Yoga Medicine. There are ultimately 3 main goals of Myofascial release which are:

  1. Remove obstacles (the “velcro” or scar tissue)

  2. Restore tissue integrity (elasticity & hydration)

  3. Allow free passage of signals through connective tissue system & unrestrictive movement

A myofascial release practice may include props such as myofascial balls or tennis balls, blocks, or other rolling props to help get into the tissues and ultimately rehydrate and replenish circulation in various areas of the body.

In this practice you want to avoid:

  • Nerves

  • Bones

  • Swollen areas

  • Bruises

  • Broken skin

  • Trachea

  • Carpel tunnel

There are a few different techniques or types of Myofascial Release which include: Compression, Rolling, Cross Fiber, Pin & Stretch or Contract & Relax. You’ll find many of these techniques in our Online Library.

Ultimately know that this practice is very experiential, you’ll notice that even your own practice may feel different from day to day depending on what’s going on in your life. Be open and aware of the sensations you have during this practice, we promise your fascia will thank you. :)

As always, consult a healthcare provider before starting a new practice like MFR.

Rad Roller Recovery Rounds

Rad Roller Recovery Rounds

Lorraine uses Rad Roller Recovery Rounds. If you’re interested in these specific set of Myofascial ballls, purchase through our affiliate link here.

Tennis balls are also great substitutes.